dengue symptoms | dengue test


 Dengue test in hindi – most popular dengue symptoms in hindi.

Dengue test in hindi

Dengue or dengue fever, also known as break bone fever or dandy fever, refers to a group of diseases that are spread by mosquitoes and occur mostly in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Dengue symptoms may vary from person to person and may affect the whole body or certain organs. The symptoms usually develop 3–14 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito, although sometimes it takes as long as 20 days, especially in children.

Types of Tests.

Dengue test in hindi

Dengue is usually diagnosed by examining a small sample of your blood, or by identifying antibodies against dengue virus in your blood. This can be done through a simple blood test, which is often used to quickly diagnose cases at early stages. In later stages of dengue infection and after recovery from infection, a more specific antibody-based test for detection of previous exposure to dengue virus may be used.

Symptoms of Dengue Fever.

Dengue test in hindi

The main symptom of dengue fever is high fever, which may reach 104 degrees or more. Other common symptoms include: pain behind your eyes, headache, muscle and joint pains, vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain. Less common symptoms are bleeding from your nose or gums; rapid breathing; and diarrhea. A severe complication of dengue fever is hemorrhagic shock (also called dengue shock syndrome). This occurs when fluid leaks from blood vessels into tissues throughout your body causing life-threatening bleeding.

Signs and Symptoms of dengue fever.

Dengue test in hindi

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral infection that causes joint pain, muscle and bone pain, headaches, vomiting and a rash. Dengue is not usually fatal, but there are two strains of it—dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome (DSS)—that can be fatal if not treated immediately. If you suspect you have dengue fever or any other tropical disease like malaria, don’t delay.

Precaution While Travelling to Dengue-endemic Countries.

Dengue test in hindi

What is dengue? Dengue is a viral infection that affects up to 100 million people every year. It is caused by one of four serotypes of dengue virus, of which there are two distinct antigenic types: DEN-1 and DEN-2. Dengue fever (DF) and severe disease can occur following any of these infections but severe disease requiring hospitalization is more likely when DEN-2 virus is involved.

Do's & Don'ts During A Dengue Outbreak In India.

What Is Dengue And How To Treat This Fever? ( READ MORE...) Title: 7 Do's and Don'ts During A Dengue Outbreak In India What is dengue and how to treat this fever? (READ MORE...) Title: Do's & Don'ts During A Dengue Outbreak In India - What is dengue and how to treat this fever?

Best medicine for dengue.

Dengue is a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by infection with any of four related dengue viruses. Symptoms often include fever and headache, but they can vary widely. Fatigue, muscle and joint pain (sometimes severe), skin rashes, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain may also occur depending on the person's age and immune status. Severe dengue is uncommon, but it can lead to shock or death if untreated. There are no vaccines for either prevention or treatment of dengue. Prevention involves reducing contact with mosquitoes through netting and insect repellents, wearing long sleeves and pants when outside at dawn or dusk when mosquitoes typically bite, as well as avoiding areas where there are known cases of dengue or other diseases spread by mosquitoes.

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